Pac-What? Can a Man be a Man...With Thighs Like That?

Welcome to Pac-Gal, a loving if somewhat subversive homage to one of gaming's most famous pairings!

You see, a bitter argument has left the two stars magically switched beyond recognition, literally forced into the other's form. The Miss, now a Mister, quickly absconds with her mighty new bod, leaving the Man trapped as a flabbergasted lass in a world he (she?) no longer understands. Imprisoned within her exquisite skin, the hero struggles to juggle his ever-emerging feminine nature while working, with his roommate George, to break the unfortunate curse. But with no cure at the ready, the days begin to slip away, leaving the blonde cutie feeling both abused and super confused! Being a girl is, like, totally the worst! it?

Will the dude reclaim his manhood and escape a lady's waking fate? Or will he embrace his new namesake...becoming, at last, the land's greatest Maid?

That's Pac-Gal in a D-cup! A story that could only exist in the deepest trenches of the Internet! Check back regularly for the latest in the life of this Maid-in-the-Making! And thanks for slinking by!

Ever wondered what a gender-bendered pac-person would do? Indeed, this could be the perfect switcheroo!